How do I register for an event?
Use the registration form to enter the required information. Click on the 'Register' button to complete your registration.
Will I receive a confirmation?
Your confirmation will be displayed on the last page of the registration form. You will also receive a confirmation via email.
How can I add the event to my calendar?
The 'add to calendar' download is available in your confirmation email. An 'add to calendar' button is also displayed on the confirmation screen when your registration is complete (for in person events only).
Will I receive a reminder?
Yes, we will send you two reminders ahead of the event.
Will the virtual event be available on demand?
Yes, all virtual events will be available on demand after the event concluded. To access this, please use the joining link provided prior to the event or visit our event website.
Can I receive a copy of the presentation?
All attendees will receive a copy of the presentation via email following the event.